
Payment information

We are as flexible as your requirements! At Thomas-Krenn you have the choice between many different payment options. In the following, we would like to briefly introduce you to what these are and how they affect the shipping of your goods. For further questions

Our tip: The quickest way to complete your order is to pay via PayPal.

Purchase in advance

After checking your order, we will send you a prepayment invoice, which also serves as an order confirmation. After receipt of payment, we will release your order for production and send it to you immediately.

Purchase on account

The prerequisite for this payment method is a positive credit check - this can take a few days. After a positive credit check, your products will be assembled and shipped.

Payment via PayPal

After checking your order, you will receive your invoice including a PayPal fee of 1.5% of the purchase price. As soon as we have received your payment, we will prepare and ship the goods. Payment by PayPal allows us to ship your goods as quickly as possible.

SEPA Direct Debit Scheme

After placing your order, we will send you a blank mandate which must be signed by both you and your bank and returned to us. Once the mandate has been received, your order will be processed and dispatched immediately and the invoice amount will be debited from your account when it is due. A positive credit check is also required for this payment method.

Server leasing

Would you prefer to lease your hardware in monthly installments? We are also happy to offer you this payment model. Please contact your sales consultant after selecting your desired configuration via the shopping cart. You will then receive all the details and information about your leasing offer.


Would you like to collect your goods yourself from our company headquarters in Freyung? No problem - if you are ordering from Germany and have already paid in advance, you can collect your order directly from us! Alternatively, you can also pay by invoice after a successful, positive credit check - you will then receive this digitally by email.